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BodhiMind Center's mission is to contribute to individual and community well-being by nurturing the growth of wisdom and compassion through educational and spiritual programs rooted in, but not limite...

BodhiMind Center's mission is to contribute to individual and community well-being by nurturing the growth of wisdom and compassion through educational and spiritual programs rooted in, but not limited to, the values and practices of the Buddhist tradition.

Our regular attendees include people who identify as Christian, as Jewish, as atheist or agnostic, and as Buddhist. We offer all people opportunities to enrich their intellectual lives through lectures, seminars and book groups, and ways to deepen spiritually by identifying and by practicing methods for intentionally cultivating specific spiritual virtues. “Bodhimind” is a traditional Buddhist term for an attitude that strives to help awaken all beings to their fullest potential for insight, freedom and love.

Meditations held Tuesday's at 5:30 p.m. and Saturday's at 9:00 a.m.

Find a full list of programming at our website or on Meetup.

BodhiMind Center seeks to share the riches of the Buddhist tradition with all interested and to foster a community of people dedicated to integrating Buddhist teachings and practices into their daily lives, whether those people self-identify as Buddhist or not. We understand Buddhist practices to work toward the cultivation of universal qualities of kindness, compassion, and wisdom. While drawing deep inspiration primarily from the teachings of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, BodhiMind Center is nonsectarian in spirit and welcomes people who share in the vision of deepening our capacities for more skillful and compassionate living.

Since we have expanded our programs and dramatically increased the number of attendees, we are now implementing ways to make our program offerings more regular, to refine and strengthen our communication processes and to raise funds to purchase our own property (rather than renting). We aim to become a prominent, secular resource in the Pikes Peak region for the study and practice of Buddhist ideals.


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