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  1.   Youth
  2.    Public
Help the Kids Play!!  Freedom2Play seeks corporate and personal donations to help disadvantaged youth play the sports they love, and to grow toward making all competitive youth sports free to all. We ...

Help the Kids Play!!  Freedom2Play seeks corporate and personal donations to help disadvantaged youth play the sports they love, and to grow toward making all competitive youth sports free to all. We intend to disrupt the pay-to-play youth sport model that stretches and breaks family budgets. 


The Pay-to-Play youth sport model in the US undermines the very positive attributes from sport that parents - AND SOCIETY - seek to instill in kids: 



  • Competition and persistence  
  • Teamwork and team-building  
  • Sportsmanship  
  • Resilience and overcoming setbacks 
  • Commitment


In 2022, Freedom2Play supported an elite U17 soccer team travel to England to compete against pre-professional academy teams from the English Football League (EFL).  These types of competitions are increasingly important for US elite athletes to play in college and to advance their opportunities to advance to the next level of competitive sport.  Yet, for elite athletes to participate in these competitions, families often spend $100,000 over the child's youth sport career!  Meanwhile, American corporations can benefit from community exposure around sport.  Sport is the most magnetic sector of the economy.  Participating in competitive sport, including youth sport, is an investment in America's future, while also creating immediate public exposure for the sponsor.  


Freedom2Play seeks corporate and individual donors so that we can help support elite youth elites achieve their goals.  Donate today!!

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